Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Theory of Evolution & Psychology

1. Theory of Evolution that was first formulated by Charles Darwin says: a) more offspring are produced that can possibly mate and survive, b) individuals have different traits which leads to differential rates of survival and reproduction, c) these trait differences are heritable. In this theory Charles Darwin focuses on natural selection.

2. and 3. It's important to say that both nature and nurture influence organism's trait. Nature stands for a biological influence while nurture stands for an environmental influence. It has been a controversial topic because some traits have been defined by a behavior rather than by physical characteristics. However, all traits are determined by genes working through environment.

4. Social Darwinism talks about the survival of the fittest. It says that people on the top are people who are best suited to existing living conditions.

5. Eugenics: In order to improve human heredity there should be a higher rate of reproduction of desired people and a lower rate of reproduction of less desired people. It basically means the production of superior humans by selective breeding.

6. The problem of eugenics is that it is very unethical and you can't really control the reproduction of all people on the world.

7. Fitness can be described as the ability to reproduce and survive.

8. Genetic Determination means that if something is genetic then it cannot be changed, therefore it's better to not investigate it.

9. A gene that is very common can become a design feature of a human being, which means that this trait is "fixated" and the only way to change it it's through mutation.

10. Canalization happens when a trait is controlled by one of a family of genes that all produce the same result.

11. Punctuated Equilibrium talks about few mutations of genes that can cause a large change in evolution.

12. Evolution created Evolutionary Psychology that provides framework for thinking about human behavior and how it evolves over the time. If observes differences to the way we think about ourselves.

13. Evolutionary Explanation of Behavior: Leopards

All of the leopards have slightly different genes which means that each of them has different lung capacity, muscle mass, volume and connectivity of nervous system fibers. Because of these small differences some leopards are better at hunting, feeding, or running than the others. Leopards that are better at hunting or feeding will usually live longer and reproduce more often than the others. This means that their will make more copies of their genes and then they will pass them on. This eventually will lead to a production of a new population of leopards that will be, on average, faster, or will have better sight than the previous generation.

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