Sunday, September 16, 2012

Alzheimer's Disease: The Forgetting

1. Why do you think Alzheimer's disease is so much more common now than it was in the past?    Explain your answer. 

I have two explanations. One of them is that people in the past were dying much earlier, like in their sixties so that's why they didn't even get to the age where people normally get Alzheimer's disease. The second explanation is that in the past, people didn't even recognize Alzheimer's. They were loosing their mind as well as we do but they weren't aware of it.

  2. How is Alzheimer's an economic issue?

As the amount of people with Alzheimer's disease increases, so do problems in government. The reason why  this is an economic issue is that people with this disease need help, and special care and while the government tries to help them it also looses lots of money.

3. Explain how Alzheimer's disease was "discovered".

This disease was discovered by a famous scientist, called Alzheimer. He found out that one characteristic of Alzheimer's disease is that your neurons start to disappear and you have neuro-fibrillary tangles and senile plaques in you brain. 

4. Explain the concept that Alzheimer's robs you of your identity.

A person with this disease becomes a whole different person. He starts being nervous and mean and he doesn't recognize even his closest family.

5. Describe the process that Alzheimer's disease follows.

    There are four stages of Alzheimer's disease:   a) Early
                                                                                             b) Mid.
                                                                                             c) Moderate
                                                                                             d) Severe

  a) Very Early Signs and Symptoms
-memory problems, word-finding, impaired reasoning or judgment
  b) Mid. Alzheimer's Disease

-getting lost, trouble paying bills, everything gets worse, less alive neurons
  c) Moderate Alzheimer's Disease

-language, sensory processing, problems with recognizing

  d) Severe Alzheimer's Disease
 -tangles and plaques are spreading throughout the brain, cannot communicate, a  death is coming

1 comment:

  1. The Age Matters geriatric assessment clinic in Toronto is here to help individuals and their families optimize quality of life and address memory issues in all stages. Our Web site provides important information about our services.

    Alzheimer’s clinic
