Friday, December 6, 2013

Major Depressive Disorders: Treatments


Description: ECT is considered to be a short-term treatment that is given to patients suffering from major depressions. This therapy works by using electric currents that are passed through the brain causing a brief seizure.This seizure initiates changes in brain chemistry that help reduce symptoms. ECT therapy is used when medications such as antidepressants fail to cure the depression.

When it should be used: Doctors may use ECT therapy when dealing with severe depressions might lead to eating disorders and desires to commit suicide. It also helps to cure catomia (lack of movement), aggressive behavior of people with dementia as well as problems with hyperactivity and euphoria. 

Risks: Some of the side effects of ECT include confusion that might occur after the treatment, especially when curing older adults. Even though ECT is quite safe, physical side effects such as vomiting, headache, jaw pain or muscle might occurs as well. ECT usually increases high-blood pressure and therefore, might lead to some heart problems.

Efficacy: According to the studies and research that was done on ECT, this therapy is very efficient. To be more specific, 41% more effective than placebo and 20% more effective than antidepressant that often used to treat depressions. Doctors usually use ECT when other treatments such as medication failed.


Description (in general): antidepressants are drugs that help stimulate the activity and increase availability of neurotransmitters

1. Tricyclic antidepressant (TCas)
Even though Tricyclic antidepressant are effective, they are often harmful and have more side effects than other types of drugs used for curing depression. Therefore, antidepressant are not used very often anymore and have been replaced by other antidepressants. Their main function is to prevent serotonin and norepinephrine from absorbing, so they are more available in the brain. Increases sweating, blurred vision, dry mouth and drowsiness are just a few of many possible side effects TCas have on patients.

2. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
In order to ease depression, these antidepressants are able to change the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Part of this treatment is to follow a certain diet. The reason for is that it was found types of food interact with MAOIs while some do not. Therefore, a patient must be careful about what he is eating. Side effects of MAOIs include headaches, low blood pressure, weights gain, dry mouth or insomnia.

Efficacy: It was found that antidepressants do not work for everyone. Interestingly enough, antidepressants have usually a little effect on patients with mild depressions, but at the same time, are very effective when curing severe depressions.


Description: Prefrontal lobotomy can be described as a surgical procedure that consists of cutting nerve pathways found in a lobe from those in other areas of the brain. It is also important to say that lobotomy is a quite simple and very economic way for curing patients, that is why it had been used a lot in the past.

When it should be used: This type of  a treatment has been used to cure many mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder.

Risks: Since leucotomy had caused many negative side effects such as apathy, decreased ability to concentrate as well as lack of initiative, it is no longer used on regular basis. Other treatments including antidepressants and ECT replaced this older method of curing mental disorders.

Efficacy: Prefrontal lobotomy surgery has a pretty low effectiveness comparing to ECT. Usually only one third of patients undergoing this treatment are cured.


Description: CBT is a common way to treat mental problems such as depression. This therapy involves carefully structured sessions, where a person suffering from depression has a chance to talk to a psychiatrist who tries to find a way to help and cure patient's mental problems. The main element of these sessions is to make the patient aware of inaccurate or negative thinking.

When it should be used: There are several issues such as depression, sexual disorders Schizophrenia that can be cured just by introducing emotional challenges. That's when CBT may be very efficient. Moreover, CBT not only learns patient how to cope with stress as well as traumatized life events, but also it helps to reduce symptoms of depression.

Risks: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy fortunately does not have any side effects, which makes it a very safe treatment comparing to Electronegative therapy or antidepressants. However, a patient who is using this type of a treatment might have to reveal and explain several awkward, painful  and often very personal events that he/she would rather avoid.

Efficacy: According to several studies, cognitive behavioral therapy is as effective and antidepressants when dealing with severe depressions. Approximately 60% of participants were cure by having cognitive behavioral therapy.